A document recently surfaced in the course of yet another NDC special project called PAIR--a note that speaks to a little-noticed aspect of World War II that involved one of the war's higher-profiled participants, Général de brigade Charles de Gaulle. PAIR (Pre-ADRRES Indexing Review) This NDC special project has been in operation since around 2015 … Continue reading “Note Pour L’Admiral Stark.”
Updated Lists of Records Eligible for Indexing on Demand (IOD)
In August 2015 we announced a new program called “Indexing on Demand” which allows researchers to request records that have completed quality assurance review and are available for indexing and final withhold processing. Below are updated lists that include series eligible for request. The lists are divided into two groups: military records and civilian records. Each … Continue reading Updated Lists of Records Eligible for Indexing on Demand (IOD)
New Entries Released by The National Declassification Center
The NDC has released a listing of 134 entries that have completed declassification processing between October 2, 2017 and March 2, 2018, and are now available for researcher request. This release consists of records from both military and civilian agencies. Highlights include: Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, River Patrol Force and Interdiction Reports … Continue reading New Entries Released by The National Declassification Center
“Reportable Information”
(In honor of Sunshine Week, I am proud to present NDC staff member England Reeder as our guest blogger today to write about a project on which he has been working that is close to public release.) Judge Merrick Garland collected the documents in this record series while he served as Special Assistant to the Attorney … Continue reading “Reportable Information”
The Weapons Systems Evaluation Group
Those who work in government and in the private sector supporting government are very familiar with the term "think tank", a slang expression dating from World War II that denoted an organization filled with "idea men" that sat around desks coming up with better and greater ways for government to operate. During the World War … Continue reading The Weapons Systems Evaluation Group
New Entries Released by the National Declassification Center
The NDC has released a listing of 112 entries that have completed declassification processing between June 1 and September 29, 2017, and are now available for researcher request. This release consists of records from both military and civilian agencies. Highlights include: • Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Naval History and Heritage Command, Political/Military Division, … Continue reading New Entries Released by the National Declassification Center
Djakarta Embassy Record Series Now Available Via the National Archives Catalog
The National Declassification Center is proud to announce that the contents of the newly-declassified Classified Central Subject Files of the U.S. Embassy Djakarta, Indonesia, 1963-1969 are now available via the National Archives Catalog. This record series, digitized through the kind efforts of the National Security Archive, consists of correspondence, telegrams, airgrams, memoranda, reports, newspaper accounts, … Continue reading Djakarta Embassy Record Series Now Available Via the National Archives Catalog
NDC Releases U.S. Embassy Djakarta Records
The National Declassification Center, in partnership with the privately-operated National Security Archive, is proud to announce the release of a record series that has been the object of interest for a number of researchers worldwide. The records, formally titled the Classified Central Subject Files, U.S. Embassy Djakarta, 1963-1969, have been the object of a … Continue reading NDC Releases U.S. Embassy Djakarta Records
What Happened to the American SST?
The golden age of American aerospace prowess had to be the decade of the 1960s. So many advances were being made across so many fields of aviation endeavor. The Space Race demonstrated how the United States could safely and reliably place both manned and unmanned spacecraft into low earth orbit, to the Moon, and even … Continue reading What Happened to the American SST?
New Entries Released by the National Declassification Center
The NDC has released a listing of 94 entries that have completed declassification processing between January 3 and May 26, 2017, and are now available for researcher request. This release consists of records from both military and civilian agencies. Highlights include: Department of State, Records Relating to Cuba, Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State, … Continue reading New Entries Released by the National Declassification Center