New Entries Released by the National Declassification Center

The NDC has released a listing of 86 entries that have completed declassification processing between March 3, 2018 and May 31, 2018, and are now available for researcher request. This release consists of records from both military and civilian agencies. Highlights include: Department of State, Records Relating to Atomic Energy Matters and Outer Space Activities, Department … Continue reading New Entries Released by the National Declassification Center

New Releases from the National Declassification Center

The NDC has released a listing of 228 entries that have completed declassification processing between January 2 and August 31, 2016 and are now available for researcher request. This release consists of records from both military and civilian agencies. Highlights include: Department of State, Program and Subject Files for North Vietnam, Foreign Service Posts of the … Continue reading New Releases from the National Declassification Center

New Special Project Released by the NDC

The latest NDC special project "Treasures from World War II US Navy Command Files," is now available on NARA's website. All of the records, approximately 192,500 pages, were released in full. The records deal with Navy intelligence, combat operations, operational planning, mine warfare and submarine warfare during WWII, as well as the investigation into the … Continue reading New Special Project Released by the NDC

Share Your Ideas for NARA’s Next Open Government Plan

This week, we are kicking off the development of our next Open Government Plan for 2016-2018. We need your ideas, suggestions, and feedback to make it happen! Submit your ideas by April 15, 2016: on History Hub in the Open Government Space in comments on this blog post (below) or email How do you think we should … Continue reading Share Your Ideas for NARA’s Next Open Government Plan

New Entries Released by the National Declassification Center

The NDC has released a listing of 149 entries that have completed declassification processing between June 29, and December 31, 2015 and are now available for researcher request. This release consists of records from both military and civilian agencies.Highlights include:Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Naval Intelligence Reports,Department of State, Human Rights Country and Subject … Continue reading New Entries Released by the National Declassification Center

Public Interest Declassification Board to Host a Public Meeting on June 25

The Public Interest Declassification Board (PIDB) will host a public meeting to discuss the recommendations included in its Report to the President on Transforming the Security Classification System, and its recommendation to employ existing technologies and develop and pilot new methods to modernize classification and declassification. The meeting will include a discussion of the technology study … Continue reading Public Interest Declassification Board to Host a Public Meeting on June 25

Recap from the National Declassification Center's Public Forum

Today's post comes from NDC Director Sheryl Shenberger and provides a summary of the NDC forum held on April 10, 2015. Last Friday, April 10, Archivist of the United States, David Ferriero, kicked off another successful NDC Public Forum, NDC Prioritization: What Secrets Do People Want to See? NDC had selected the subject of “prioritization” as it could relate … Continue reading Recap from the National Declassification Center's Public Forum

“Undesirable” Groups and Federal Employees

Today's post comes from National Declassification Center Archives Specialist Stephanie Coon. In today’s digital world, we receive emails that make us wonder how we ended up on a mailing list for such a group or product. The same goes for snail mail, when advertisements for candy companies or random catalogs appear in your mailbox. In … Continue reading “Undesirable” Groups and Federal Employees