The Adventures of CORTDIV 11

The NDC has been working on a declassification project involving classified Navy deck logs from the Vietnam War era.  As part of this project, the NDC is set to declassify 11 boxes of classified deck logs from Record Group 38 (Office of the Chief of Naval Operations), Entry UD-06D 1.  These records will be available … Continue reading The Adventures of CORTDIV 11

Hidden in Plain Sight

As the NDC systematically reviews and releases the oldest withheld documents from legacy declassification projects, we periodically post entries about interesting new releases as part of our effort "to make access happen" (please see the July 5, 2018 NDC Blog post "Note Pour L'Admiral Stark" for more details).  In this case, Archives Specialist Jennifer Halpern … Continue reading Hidden in Plain Sight

Classified Records: National Security, Declassification, and the Freedom of Information Act

Today's post is provided by NDC staff member David Fort. I had the privilege of speaking to a crowd of about 35 people February 6, 2019 at Gettysburg College.  The talk involved a number of topics from how the declassification process works at the National Archives, from the records being accessioned, to them being reviewed … Continue reading Classified Records: National Security, Declassification, and the Freedom of Information Act

Operation Enewetak

The Atoll The classic coral atoll of Enewetak and its small population had seen much change during the 20th century as compared to the relatively quiet nine previous centuries since humans first came to the atoll's islands.  The Germans were the first industrial culture to claim possession of the islands which became part of the … Continue reading Operation Enewetak

New Entries Released by the National Declassification Center

The NDC has released a listing of 115 entries that have completed declassification processing between June 1, 2018 and September 28, 2018, and are now available for researcher request. This release consists of records from both military and civilian agencies. Highlights include: Department of State, Policy Planning Council; Numerical Files, Department of State, General Records Relating … Continue reading New Entries Released by the National Declassification Center

The Laser Target Recognition System (LTRS): A Lesson in Bleeding Edge Technology

The War in Southeast Asia  was many things to many people.  To some in the Defense Department under Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara, the war appeared to be a technological challenge that American know-how was meant to conquer.  To find an enemy who made the most of the cloak of darkness for movement and … Continue reading The Laser Target Recognition System (LTRS): A Lesson in Bleeding Edge Technology

Navy Nuclear Weapons Safety–A Story in Posters

Military leaders by default are the safety managers of their units, although one or more individuals may be formally titled "Safety Officer" as recognition of a specific responsibility within the military organization.  The Safety Officer is an unheralded position wherein one may get recognition (and not the best kind) only when something goes wrong.  So … Continue reading Navy Nuclear Weapons Safety–A Story in Posters

New Entries Released by the National Declassification Center

The NDC has released a listing of 86 entries that have completed declassification processing between March 3, 2018 and May 31, 2018, and are now available for researcher request. This release consists of records from both military and civilian agencies. Highlights include: Department of State, Records Relating to Atomic Energy Matters and Outer Space Activities, Department … Continue reading New Entries Released by the National Declassification Center