We have finalized the declassification of 1st Air Cavalry Division in Vietnam 1967. The series includes Situation Reports from the Division S-1, S-2, S-3, S-4 and Division Artillery. The series had been misidentified and was reallocated based on NDC declassification processes. The significance of the records will continue to tell the story of the US … Continue reading NDC Identifies and Declassifies Vietnam Records
Pentagon Papers Project
In a follow on to the announcement that the NDC Director Sheryl J. Shenberger made in her Second Bi-Annual Report, I am presenting an outline of the Pentagon Paper Project. A Short History There is a considerable body of literature that discusses what came to be known as the Pentagon Papers, so I will not … Continue reading Pentagon Papers Project
Second NDC Bi-Annual Report Released
The NDC second Bi-Annual report is now available here. http://www.archives.gov/declassification/ndc/reports/2010-biannual-january1-december31.pdf Highlights include implementation of new processes to identify and evaluate records in the backlog (over 80 million pages assessed to date), continued inter-agency collaboration, and the establishment of two special projects to review records relating to the Berlin Wall and Pentagon Papers. I invite you to … Continue reading Second NDC Bi-Annual Report Released
NDC Director's Comments at the July 22,2010 PIDB
Below are comments made by NDC Director Sheryl Shenberger at the July 22, 2010 meeting of the Public Interest Declassification Board (PIDB). She discusses her previous work as it relates to the NDC and reflects on public input into the NDC process. My background as it relates to NDC work My declassification-specific work gives me the expertise … Continue reading NDC Director's Comments at the July 22,2010 PIDB
Annual Work Plans…Which Format do You Prefer?
We recently published our Prioritization plan and with it, annual Civilian and Defense work plans. The two work plans had different formats. The Civilian plan lists each entry that is scheduled to be processed through the NDC during the year. Entries have not yet been archivally processed and contain minimal description beyond that provided by … Continue reading Annual Work Plans…Which Format do You Prefer?
Final Plan and FY 2011 Work Plans Available
NDC Prioritization Plan and FY 2011 Work Plans Now Available The National Declassification Center is releasing its Prioritization Plan for eliminating the 400+ million page backlog of reviewed, but unavailable archival records by December 2013. Also available, as Appendix B for Civilian Records and Appendix C for Defense records are FY 2011 Civilian and Defense … Continue reading Final Plan and FY 2011 Work Plans Available
NDC Releases its First Bi-Annual Report
In marking the release of the first Bi-Annual NDC status report, Director Sheryl Shenberger noted. "It has become clear to me that all the agencies involved in this effort want to make the NDC a success story." I think this captures what the NDC accomplished during its first six months of operation. We were able … Continue reading NDC Releases its First Bi-Annual Report
Communications and the NDC
The NDC is committed to openness and transparency. One of the ways we believe we can accomplish this is through improved communication. We want to reach people through a variety of traditional and new media and would like your input on what you find effective. Currently, we have a website NARA and Declassification as well … Continue reading Communications and the NDC
What Should Be Our #1 Priority?
I hope that you have had an opportunity to look at the Draft Prioritization Plan for processing the backlog of accessioned Federal records and referrals in Presidential materials. If not, I invite you to review the Plan here: http://www.archives.gov/declassification/ndc/prioritization-plan.pdf Looking at the chart which begins at the bottom of page 3 and continues on page … Continue reading What Should Be Our #1 Priority?
NDC Prioritization Plan Comments
Welcome to the NDC Blog. I hope that over time this forum will become a place to discuss the NDC and report on its progress. The NDC recently published a draft Prioritization Plan. The plan focuses on moving the approximately 408 million pages of accessioned Federal records to the open stacks and clearing referrals in … Continue reading NDC Prioritization Plan Comments