Today's Blog Post is from Senior NDC Archivist (Special Assistant, NDC Evaluation and Special Projects Division) Patrice Brown. The beginning of the Panama Canal is well known. The routes considered, the French construction efforts, the United States entrance as the canal builder, and the characters involved. However, the transitional period between the Panamanian demands for … Continue reading 100 Years of the Panama Canal: The Age of Transition, 1964-73
Category: Uncategorized
What on Earth Is It?
Today's find comes from Dr. Amanda Weimer, an Archives Specialist in the NDC. The National Declassification Center recently responded to a Freedom of Information Act request for documents created and collected by the Department of the Air Force on the topic of “flying discs,” popularly known as “unidentified flying objects” (UFOs). The Air Force studied sightings … Continue reading What on Earth Is It?
James Meredith and his March Against Fear
NDC staffer Jamie White provided this post about his latest find: I recently reviewed a Department of Justice project (Class 130/145 Secret Enclosures, NND 66350) which covered a portion of the civil rights movement from 1968 and part of 1969. The collection covers the Poor Peoples campaign containing movements, surveillance, informant statements and bios on … Continue reading James Meredith and his March Against Fear
A City Divided: Life and Death in the Shadow of the Wall
Today's post comes to us from NDC blogger Neil Carmichael. Tuesday, January 14, 2014, from 9 AM to noon, the National Archives National Declassification Center (NDC), in partnership with the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) Historical Review Program, hosts a symposium: "A City Divided: Life and Death in the Shadow of the Wall." Archivist of the … Continue reading A City Divided: Life and Death in the Shadow of the Wall
Berlin Symposium Reminder
This is just a brief reminder to everyone that the NDC will be hosting its second symposium on Berlin: A City Divided: Life and Death in the Shadow of the Wall on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at the William G. McGowan Theater located at the National Archives Building, Constitution Street Special Event Entrance. The symposium … Continue reading Berlin Symposium Reminder
Due to the Federal Government shutdown, the National Archives ( is closed. We are unable to post or participate in any of our social media channels during this closure. All National Archives facilities are closed, with the exception of the Federal Records Centers and the Federal Register until the Federal government reopens.
NDC Releases 445 New Entries Processed Between June 1 and July 26, 2013
The NDC has released a listing of 445 entries that have completed declassification processing between June 1 and July 26, 2013 and are now available for researcher request. This release records from both military and civilian agencies. Highlights include: Department of State, Office of Refugee and Migration Affairs, Subject and Country Files Army Surgeon General, Central Decimal … Continue reading NDC Releases 445 New Entries Processed Between June 1 and July 26, 2013
Project 1794 Documents in ARC
By Michael Rhodes Last year, the National Declassification Center released, scanned, and posted several pages from declassified U.S. Air Force reports. Digital copies of those same documents are now available, in full, on the National Archives Archival Research Catalog (ARC) [] Project 1794 Final Development Summary Report, 06/1956 [ARC ID 6920770] Program Planning Report, Project … Continue reading Project 1794 Documents in ARC
The Middle East: A 1945 Perspective
This post is from NDC Archives Specialist John Ritz. While working on a FOIA request for Department of State records, I came across a document which immediately caught my attention. I showed it to several coworkers who encouraged me to share it with a broader audience. The document is a Memorandum of Conversation between President Roosevelt and … Continue reading The Middle East: A 1945 Perspective
The Public Interest Declassification Board Releases its Report to the President
Today, the Public Interest Declassification Board released online its recommendations to the President on Transforming the Security Classification System. The full Report can be found at The report centers on the need for new policies for classifying information, new processes for declassifying information, and the imperative for using and integrating technology into these processes. … Continue reading The Public Interest Declassification Board Releases its Report to the President