NDC Indexing Update

Today’s post comes from NDC Director Sheryl Shenberger and is an update on prioritized NDC projects and final processing.

In my March blog post, I offered you a listing of projects that have been completed for quality assurance review and are available for indexing and final withhold processing. As The Department of Energy has completed more of its own QA on the backlog, more series are available for on-demand processing, so we have broken the listings into two unique pdfs of the currently available series you can request. Some of these are small, and some contain 1000s of boxes. Some projects can be turned around quickly as they won’t require much in the way of segregation of still-sensitive information. Some contain privacy or personal identifying information that could affect their availability. The spreadsheets have the following categories: the acronym or name and number of the original record group; NARA HMS identification numbers; the record entry name for the series; dates of the records within the series (not always immediately available); and the size (possibly estimated) of the series itself.

Indexing On Demand Part One         Indexing On Demand Part Two

Since we stood up this “Indexing on Demand” option, we have completed 58 projects totaling 3.5M pages; 3.1 M of those pages were declassified and released in full for an 89% release rate.

As before, you can correspond with us via our ndc@nara.gov email box or by replying to this blog post. You can also visit with our representative in the Archives II reference area, Stephanie Coon, who would be happy to address your questions and requests. She can offer you an estimate on the complexity of the final processing needed as well as a tentative timeline to completion.

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