Although ISOO does a yeoman’s job of administering MDR appeals, the delay in some cases runs years, and the time elapsed from the original MDR request can amount to more than a decade. How can this ISCAP appeal process be streamlined?
ISOO Response: The ISOO provides administrative and logistical support to the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel. This body receives their authority from the President. They are responsible for deciding on MDR appeals in accordance with the ISCAP By-Laws. As the ISOO Annual Reports (note use of plural here) to the President have indicated, the ISCAP has seen a dramatic rise in its caseload. During this time, the ISCAP has also taken steps to increase its productivity. Here are some statistics that demonstrate the ISCAP’s efforts:
2005 – the ISCAP received 26 appeals
2010 – the ISCAP received 87 appeals
2005 – the ISCAP rendered decisions on 81 documents (results: (80% of documents were declassified in full or in part) ;
2010 – the ISCAP rendered decisions on 212 documents (results: 68% of documents were declassified in full or in part)